Monday, April 14, 2008

Miss Klamath County is an OIT Student; Paying it Forward

Stephanie Steers was named Miss Klamath County at the annual Miss Klamath County/Miss City of Sunshine Scholarship Pageant on Saturday. She is a Dental Hygiene student. The scholarship pageant is part of the Miss America pageant system. More than $28,000 in scholarships were awarded locally.

Five other OIT students were participants, including:

Among the scholarships being vied for was the Pay It Forward Scholarship, based upon the book by Catherine Ryan Hyde. Each contestant wrote an essay about the concept, how it applied to their own lives and their plan to implement paying it forward personally. Visit the Pay It Forward Foundation for more information on the concept.

The Oregon Center for Health Professions really exemplifies the pay it forward attitude. Numerous individuals and organizations have made the Center a reality. Those making contributions may never need the services of the students educated at the Center, but the donors have made lives better just for the investment in someones education whom they many never know.

It's a very powerful thought.

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